Download the Lynk & Co app and become a member

To order a Lynk & Co, you need to be a member. Please register to become a member via the link below. You should receive an email with a verification code after a few minutes. Verify your account within 30 minutes and you will be a member and will receive a membership number which you then use when ordering a car. Get the most out of your membership and car with the Lynk & Co app. Lock and unlock the car, check the windows and much more.

Come by Lynk & Co Club in Gothenburg

Lynk & Co Clubs don't look like car dealerships—and that's because they aren't car dealerships. They’re places to catch events, meet other members, find local art, and explore treasures from brands that inspire us. They’re the center of their community. You can explore the 01, take a test drive, or just grab a coffee and get comfy. Of course, the friendly Club crew is always there to help you out.



At Volvo Bil i Göteborg AB we are here to give you support when you need it and our experts will take care of your car when you hand it in.

At the delivery of your car, you will be assigned a Personal Service Technician in Tuve, where we perform workshop services for Lynk & Co.

To book service, repair and wheel change, please contact your Personal Service Technician in Tuve.

Lynk & Co Assistance - 08-51 99 26 44


031-380 80 00

If you have questions regarding your car ownership such as new car delivery, service, damage and repairs or wheel change, please contact Volvo Bil i Göteborg AB.

0771 20 05 90

If you have questions about the car, membership or similar, please contact Lynk & Co by phone or visit Lynk & Co's website.

Lynk & Co Q&A